秦弈的脸色顿时有些不好看,他视线微垂,眸中闪过一抹不易察觉的冷意,“ as a newly established trading company, they can never get a good supply.”(作为一家新成立的贸易公司,他们根本不可能拿到好的货源。)
说罢,他意味深长地看了眼林瑶和简雯,眼中不乏威胁的意味,“ i have been in the auto industry for almost two decades. i know a lot of manufacturers who make these products, and i will be happy to introduce them to you.”(我和他们不同,我在机械零件行业快二十年了,认识好多做这些产品的厂家,我很乐意将他们介绍给你认识。)
他转向胡文光,问道:“time is limited, how long can you quote me?”(时间有限,你多久能报价?)
不!不能让garry smith和他们深谈!
“i know the owner of this company. she’s working for me in past.”秦弈再次打断了他们,“her working performance is like samples here, not so good.”(我认识这家公司的老板,她是我公司原来的员工,她的工作表和这里的样品质量一样差劲。)
“well!”他笑着介绍道:“mr. smith, this is our general manager, ms.lim.”(smith先生,这位我们公司的总经理,林女士。)
林瑶伸手递上名片后,主动和smith先生握了手,大大方方地自我介绍道:“let me introduce myself, my name is lim, general manager of excel auto industry. it’s an honor to meet!”(请允许我自我介绍一下,我是林,卓越实业的总经理。很荣幸认识你!)